

To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society. -Theodore Roosevelt

University Programs Events

We are pleased to share the accomplishments of the Boone and Crockett Club’s University Programs for 2020.


Wildlife Management Institute’s 85th North American
Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference

At the Boone and Crockett Club 2020 Spring meeting, held in conjunction with the Wildlife Management Institute’s 85th North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference on March 8-13, 2020 in Omaha, Nebraska, two B&C Fellows presented at the luncheon on Thursday, March 12.


B&C Fellow Presentations at the B&C Spring Meeting:

Vaughan Branch: M.S. student - U of Montana - Crisis Drives Innovation in Wildlife Funding Paradigm

Ashley Huinker: M.S. student - Michigan State - Understanding Woodcock Breeding Habitat in Michigan’s Lower Peninsula

Ashley Huinker presenting at the B&C Spring Meeting in Omaha, Nebraska.

The Wildlife Society Conference

This year’s Wildlife Society Conference was held virtually September 28 - October 2, 2020. This conference is the largest gathering of wildlife professionals and students in the U.S. and the Boone and Crockett Club was an event sponsor this year. Once again the Club was well-represented by our graduate fellows who presented posters and talks in various symposia.

More than 2,500 participants—a record number—took part in a week of informative symposia and talks, thought-provoking panels, and chances to connect with fellow wildlifers from afar.


B&C Fellow Presentations at the TWS Virtual conference:

Levi Heffelfinger: Ph.D. student - TAMU-Kingsville - Modeling Spatial Mate Search Strategies and Interactive Networks During Mule Deer Reproduction

Chris Hoving: Ph.D. student - Michigan State - Managers as Part of the System: Fire and Climate Adaptation in the Anthropocene

Nick Jaffe: Ph.D. student - Michigan State - Adapting Habitat Suitability in a Dynamic Seasonal Environment


Ellen Pero: Ph.D. student - U of Montana - One Size Does Not Fit All in Population Restoration: Genetic Considerations from the Missouri Elk Restoration

Noelle Thompson: Ph.D. student - Michigan State - Evaluating the Complexity and Uncertainty  Associated with Management of Chronic Wasting Disease

Jonathan Trudeau: Ph.D. student - Michigan State - Convenience or Selection? A Look at the Resource Selection of Michigan White-tailed Deer


University Programs Webinars

In 2017, University Programs began a series of webinars for B&C fellows that are hosted by regular and professional member of the Club. The goal of these webinars is to link Boone and Crockett fellows closer to the Club by promoting 1) interaction with regular and professional members, 2) a common set of experiences, and 3) the fellows’ professional development. In past years, the webinar series has hosted members including Wini Kessler, Jim Heffelfinger, and James Cummins. Early in 2020, Ben Wallace hosted a webinar that focused on the structure and history of the Club. Later in the year, Lowell Baier led a webinar about the importance of wildlife conservation on private lands. As part of the latter, B&C Fellows read the Introduction and Chapter 1 of Lowell’s new book Saving Species on Private Lands to provide background for the discussion.


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"The wildlife and its habitat cannot speak. So we must and we will."

-Theodore Roosevelt
