To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society. -Theodore Roosevelt
The Center can sleep up to 30 guests (in five bedrooms) and two staff in a separate bedroom, feed 60 people from the commercial kitchen, and seat 60 to 104 in the main conference room. The lab/classroom is setup for 30 students to work on field related activities. The remaining square footage includes an office, public restrooms with shower facilities, utility room with a pantry closet, washer and dryer, a lab/classroom with storage area, dining area, and an outdoor deck surrounding the west end of the conference room perimeter. The building was constructed to blend into the surrounding landscape and have a high energy efficient rating due to the high winds and inclement winter weather. The Center takes advantage of the surrounding vistas and prevailing strong winds. The building is used year round by students, teachers, and others.
The addition of the Center at the TRM Ranch serves as a hub for the Boone and Crockett Club's Conservation Education Program. It provides an effective facility for courses, workshops, presentations, and demonstrations about integrated natural resource management, natural resources education, and special topic seminars. Each summer, the RWCC is busy with young and old alike as they participate in the Club's Outdoor Adventure Camps, Montana High Adventure Base activities, hunter education classes.
The competing needs of wildlife and commercial land use is one of the nation's most pressing and controversial conservation problems. Conservationists – with good reason – press for the preservation of threatened species and respect for our great national wildlife heritage. Ranchers, farmers, miners, foresters, oilmen, and developers – with equal reason and right – seek protection of their commercial activities. Too frequently, wildlife conservation and economic survival conflict.
As wildlife habitat shrinks due to increasing and conflicting land uses, we must find ways to make wildlife, agriculture and other commercial development needs more compatible.
The Center is also available for a limited number of days each year to outside groups. Click here to send an email request for more information or to request a brochure about the facilities and programs offered by the Boone and Crockett Club.
Just to the south of the RWCC's main building visitors will find the Palmer Shooting Range. This facility serves as base for teaching students safety, handling, and skills with rifles, handguns, archery, and shotguns.
"The wildlife and its habitat cannot speak. So we must and we will."
-Theodore Roosevelt