To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society. -Theodore Roosevelt
By the Numbers15 Fellows 13 peer-reviewed publications
2 popular articles 2 presentations Endowed Professorship - Dr. Joshua Millspaugh |
Policy-focused training is a core component of our program. Students conduct research on policy-relevant topics, like evaluating state and federal wildlife management authority or dedicated conservation funding. The program offers specialized policy courses and facilitates training sessions, such as a “policy boot camp, for all University Program students. Additionally, students are encouraged to take elective courses in areas like conflict resolution, natural resources policy, and business administration.
The program’s research, teaching, and service activities are closely aligned with the Boone and Crockett Club’s mission and strategic priorities. Examples include:
To ensure alignment with the Club’s mission and policies, the program engages its management committee to review funding expenditures and leveraging. In 2024, the program was supported by a variety of sources, including government agencies, foundations, and private companies, totaling $3.2 million in research expenditures. For every Boone and Crockett dollar invested, the program raised an additional $15 in funding.
The program leader, Josh Millspaugh, taught the Wild Sustenance course at both the University of Montana and SUNY. In 2024, the program produced 13 peer-reviewed publications on topics such as foraging ecology of large herbivores, mammal community changes along urban-wild gradients, black bear density and habitat use, and the effects of energy development on mule deer. The program also published two popular articles and participated in various professional activities, including serving on advisory groups.
Boone and Crockett Professor of Wildlife Conservation
Dr. Joshua Millspaugh
"The wildlife and its habitat cannot speak. So we must and we will."
-Theodore Roosevelt