
Where Hunting Happens, Conservation Happens™


All 17 score charts are available as PDF files you can download directly to your desktop. Not sure how to take all the measurements? Good news, each score chart includes complete measuring instructions.
Scoring Whitetail Deer
If you are interested in becoming an Official Measurer download the Official Measurer Application at right and return to B&C's Records Department. When completing your application, include information such as: previous measuring experience (state programs, contests, etc.), if you are able to travel to measure trophies, and references.
Big-game records keeping for both Boone and Crockett and the Pope and Young Club deals only with certain native North American big game animals. For such purposes, the southern boundary is defined as the south boundary of Mexico. Only cougar, jaguar, and whitetail deer of the recognized trophy categories range south of this boundary, and only the first two reach recordable size south of Mexico. The northern limit for trophies such as polar bear and walrus is the limit of the continent and associated waters held by the United States, Canada, or Greenland. Continental limits and held waters define east and west boundaries for all categories.
See the complete list of the minimum entry scores for all native North American big game animals recognized by the Boone and Crockett Club.
Once a trophy has been measured, there are a number of entry requirements that need to be fulfilled to insure the efficient and accurate processing of the trophy entry. Complete Score Chart The most obvious and basic item needed to enter a trophy is a fully completed original score chart, signed...
General Policies for the Boone and Crockett Club and Pope and Young Club Record Programs From How to Score North American Big Game , 5th Edition (2021) Altered Trophies Trophies that have been tampered with to gain an advantage obviously are not eligible for entry into the record books. Examples of...
Boone and Crockett Club has translated all of our score charts to French. Each score chart is available as a separate PDF file. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view these files. Click here to download the free Acrobat Reader software . Each score chart includes measuring instructions...
By unanimous vote of its board of directors, the Dallas Safari Club (DSC) has officially adopted the Boone and Crockett Club scoring system for measuring North American trophies taken by DSC members.
Young hunters age 16 and under have taken 67 Boone and Crockett qualifying trophies over the past three years. Each will be listed in the triennial Boone and Crockett Club 27th Big Game Awards book due out later this year. Included among the youth trophies are a massive Alaska brown bear and the largest non-typical mule deer recorded in 36 years, both of which are Top 5 specimens in their respective categories for the awards period.
The Boone and Crockett Club announces the release of the newest edition of "How to Score North American Big Game." The book offers the most up-to-date scoring techniques with easy-to-follow instructions for scoring all 38 categories of North American big-game animals. The new edition is set to release in July 2016.
The Wild Sheep Foundation (WSF) has formally endorsed the Boone and Crockett scoring system for measuring North American sheep taken by WSF members. The move follows a unanimous vote by the WSF board of directors. By official proclamation, WSF will use the Boone and Crockett scoring system—and its...
Although the venerable .30-06 and .270 remain among the favorites, Boone and Crockett Club big-game records show that hunters with a .300 Magnum are taking more North American trophies than any other caliber. Surprisingly, the second-most-popular trophy-taker isn’t a firearm—it’s a bow. B&C...
Passion for big game and big game hunting is a good thing. This passion is what drove the recovery of big game populations in North America, including whitetail deer, from dismal to thriving. It is the basis of the conscience choice people, sportsmen in particular, have made to make sure wildlife...

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