
Where Hunting Happens, Conservation Happens™

Extreme Hunter Gift Guide

Chronicles of Sheep Hunting and Legendary Sheep Hunters By Robert M. Anderson Boone and Crockett is excited to offer the fourth installment of Bob Anderson’s Great Rams series. With nearly 500 images—vintage and contemporary field photos from decades of sheep hunting, plus a special photo essay of rams in the wild—and twelve captivating chapters, Great Rams IV will keep readers enthralled every time they turn the page!
Vintage Photos and Memorabilia from the Boone and Crockett Club Archives Sportsmen with an eye for the good ol’ days of big game hunting will delight in B&C’s visually stunning book focusing on the iconic mule deer of the West with hundreds of vintage photographs and score charts.
Published in 2017. Long considered “The Book” of big game records, Boone and Crockett Club’s newest edition of its All-Time records book—Records of North American Big Game—is the most complete big game records book cataloging the greatest big game ever taken in North America.
Chronicles of Sheep Hunting and Legendary Sheep Hunters By Robert M. Anderson With over 400 images—historical and modern field photos from decades of sheep hunting, plus B&C score charts—and ten captivating chapters about sheep hunting history and adventures, Great Rams III will keep readers enthralled every time they turn the page!
True Tales of Self-Guided Adventure Sometimes, the big ones don’t get away! North America’s most dedicated hunters recount the tales of how they harvested legendary trophy animals. Learn what it takes to make your own mark in the record book.
More Short Stories from the Boone and Crockett Awards Legendary Hunts II chronicles the heart of our hunting culture—the accounts of everyday hunters who defied the odds to take exceptional big game trophies. Sportsmen love a good hunting story and Legendary Hunts II delivers with over 40 unforgettable tales about some of the top trophies taken in our lifetime.

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"The wildlife and its habitat cannot speak. So we must and we will."

-Theodore Roosevelt