The government is us; we are the government, you and I. -Theodore Roosevelt
America’s sportsmen and women are experiencing firsthand the consequences of increasing temperatures, prolonged droughts, record forest fires, more powerful hurricanes, inland flooding, spread of invasive species and wildlife diseases, and algal outbreaks. These cascading problems degrade habitat, threaten fish and wildlife, and reduce hunting and fishing opportunities. As a result, communities and the recreation economy are put at risk. Habitat conservation and restoration are a key part of the solution. Habitat sequesters greenhouse gases, which is a major factor in mitigating emissions. Restoring natural resources and improving practices on working lands can achieve more than 30 percent of the emission offsets necessary to achieve net-zero emissions nationally before 2050. Land conservation also boosts the resilience of habitat to changing conditions, which accelerates recovery of imperiled wildlife, expands hunting and fishing opportunities, and revitalizes local economies.
Habitat sequestration should receive the same level of policy support as technologies that reduce emissions. Many existing programs accomplish this objective, but the one ecosystem in the U.S. with significant potential to sequester carbon that does not yet have a concerted conservation policy is grasslands. A National Grasslands Initiative to protect remaining native grasslands and shrublands from conversion, and to restore native grasses across their historic range, would expand the portfolio of habitat solutions to sequester carbon.
In addition, ecologically-appropriate forest restoration and reforestation on federal, state, and private lands will optimize sequestration by reducing risks of catastrophic fires. Wood products from sustainable forests move sequestered carbon into buildings and products. Supporting these markets can increase the use of wood as a preferred building material. The added benefits include restored watersheds, fisheries, habitat values, and reduced costs for disaster response and indemnity payments.
In restoring ecosystems to reduce emissions and bolster resilience, we must also ensure these ecosystems are not unwittingly degraded as we develop cleaner sources of energy.
Just as there are habitat impacts from conventional energy development, there are wildlife risks that should be minimized when developing wind, solar, geothermal, advanced nuclear, and carbon capture, utilization, and storage. It is essential to consider and curtail impacts to wildlife as the nation deploys additional sources of clean energy.
Should Congress enact a carbon pricing policy or fund climate programs, a significant portion of the money should be dedicated to investments in natural solutions, which can provide 30 percent of the necessary emission reductions and increase resilience. We acknowledge there are several options for pricing carbon and support a productive debate on this idea.
Natural defenses like wetlands, forests, and grasslands have the capacity to help communities withstand extreme weather events such as flooding and hurricanes. In recent years, regions with healthier natural resources have suffered less damage, because natural systems can blunt and absorb the brunt of the impacts. These solutions are often more effective than engineered solutions and provide additional benefits through enhanced habitat, water quality, and carbon sequestration.
For more information about the American Wildlife Conservation Partners visit their web site at www.americanwildlifeconservation.org.
Recommendation 1: Secure permanent and dedicated conservation funding from public and private sources.
Recommendation 2: Enhance access for hunters and outdoor recreationists.
Recommendation 3: Require collaboration on big game migration corridors and habitats.
Recommendation 4: Integrate industry, state, and federal wildlife goals early in energy planning.
Recommendation 5: Incentivize private landowners to conserve wildlife and habitat and provide access for hunting.
Recommendation 6: Increase active management of federal land habitats and reduce litigation through collaboration.
Recommendation 7: Achieve greater results from an improved ESA program.
Recommendation 8: Support and assist states in addressing Chronic Wasting Disease and wild sheep pneumonia.
Recommendation 9: Focus climate policy on habitat conservation and restoration.
Recommendation 10: Require collaboration for wildlife conservation, hunting, and recreational shooting on federal lands.
"The wildlife and its habitat cannot speak. So we must and we will."
-Theodore Roosevelt