WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today a coalition of conservation, sportsmen and forest management organizations and companies applauded the introduction of the Forest Conservation Easement Program (FCEP) Act of...Read more
The Latest News in Conservation
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today a coalition of conservation, sportsmen and forest management organizations and companies applauded the introduction of the Forest Conservation Easement Program (FCEP) Act of...Read more
MISSOULA, Mont. – The Boone and Crockett Club announced today that Regular Member Lee Anderson and his wife Penny have donated $1 million to support the restoration of the Club’s Old Milwaukee Depot...Read more
From left to right: Taylor Schmitz, CSF Director of Federal Relations; Jimmy Bullock, Boone and Crockett Club Professional Member and co-chair of the Stewardship and Multiple Use Committee; Jeff...Read more
The Public Trust Doctrine is at the heart of the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation, but public ownership of wildlife isn’t a given. Attempts to privatize wildlife are all around us,...Read more
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has accepted petitions from the governors of Montana and Wyoming to consider removing the grizzly bear ( Ursus arctos horribilis ) from the endangered species list...Read more
Forest Service works hard to reduce hazardous fuels, wildfire threats to communities By Andrew Avitt, U.S. Forest Service - Pacific Southwest Region A picture of a treated stand after the completion...Read more
MISSOULA, Mont. – The Boone and Crockett Club announced that James L. Cummins, Executive Director of Wildlife Mississippi, has been elected to serve as the Club’s 36th President. Cummins is a native...Read more
A Special Judges Panel convened by the Boone and Crockett Club confirmed a new World’s Record Rocky Mountain goat. The Club announced the new record at the Wild Sheep Foundation’s 2023 Sheep Show in...Read more
Seven timber companies and four conservation organizations are joining together to fight the spread of chronic wasting disease (CWD) among deer, elk, and other species of the deer family (known as “...Read more
UM wildlife researchers Jon McRoberts (left), Joshua Millspaugh and Jonathan Karlen spent the summer reviewing hunting regulations from all 50 states to help simply sometimes complicated rules...Read more