
The Latest News in Conservation

B&C News

February 15, 2017

A deer taken in Tennessee this past season has been accepted by the Boone and Crockett Club with an entry score surpassing the current record taken by a hunter. "All deer are unique in some form or...Read more

February 15, 2017

Letter from American Wildlife Conservation Partners to President Trump The Honorable Donald J. Trump President of the United States The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, District of...Read more

February 14, 2017

Boone and Crockett Club recently matched a $2,000 grant from the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) awarded to the Montana Council of Boy Scouts of America (BSA). The $4,000 total will be...Read more

January 25, 2017

Not a season goes by that word doesn't circulate on yet another tremendous big game animal having been taken in fair chase by a hunter. Some years we're talking about more than one record-breaker,...Read more

January 18, 2017

The Boone and Crockett Club, the oldest hunter-conservationist organization in North America, has released a position statement and video on big-game trophies and hunting. There are several aspects...Read more

January 10, 2017

Today the Boone and Crockett Club and Pope and Young Club announced that an elk from Montana taken on public land during the archery season in 2016 is a potential new archery World's Record typical...Read more

January 3, 2017

Hunter, angler and businessman, Ben B. Hollingsworth Jr. of Houston, Texas, has been elected president of America's first conservation organization, the Boone and Crockett Club. For more than 129...Read more

December 16, 2016

The Boone and Crockett Club, the oldest wildlife conservation group in the U.S., founded by Theodore Roosevelt, praises President-Elect Donald Trump's announcement of U.S. Representative Ryan Zinke (...Read more

October 25, 2016

Those of us who care about the conservation of wildlife can no longer afford to ignore the challenges voter ballot initiatives are exerting on the decision-making authority of federal and state...Read more

October 11, 2016

Poaching is a crime committed by thieves - not hunters. Those who share in the Boone and Crockett Club's long support of sustainable-use conservation want those thieves punished accordingly. A 2015...Read more