
The Latest News in Conservation

B&C News

November 5, 2009

What’s the scariest thing imaginable for those of us impassioned about wildlife and hunting and the outdoors? For many, it’s the idea that our natural resource legacy will not be left in safe hands...Read more

November 3, 2009

Courts in a growing number of states are using the Boone and Crockett scoring system to slap poachers with more felony charges, stiffer fines and longer revocations of hunting privileges. Game...Read more

October 28, 2009

In just the past 13 years, modern conservation efforts have produced an amazing 62 new state and provincial records--plus over 3,500 other Boone and Crockett-class trophies--for mule deer and elk...Read more

October 23, 2009

The Wild Sheep Foundation (WSF) has formally endorsed the Boone and Crockett scoring system for measuring North American sheep taken by WSF members. The move follows a unanimous vote by the WSF board...Read more

October 22, 2009

At Yosemite National Park, California, in the spring of 1903. TR is front and center, his secretary William Loeb, Jr. is second from the right, and naturalist John Muir stands to the right of TR. The...Read more

September 26, 2009

Hunters can now learn to score North American big-game species for $5 per trophy type. For the first time, individual chapters of the official Boone and Crockett Club scoring manual are being offered...Read more

September 17, 2009

Free activities, exhibits and attractions for the whole family will highlight a public celebration of National Hunting and Fishing Day, Sept. 26, 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., at the Rocky Mountain Elk...Read more

September 2, 2009

By unanimous vote of its board of directors, the Dallas Safari Club (DSC) has officially adopted the Boone and Crockett Club scoring system for measuring North American trophies taken by DSC members...Read more

August 20, 2009

Presented by Eldon “Buck” Buckner, Vice President Records Division, Boone and Crockett Club To Western Association Game and Fish Agencies, Newport Beach, CA July 12, 2009 I’d like to complement the...Read more

August 6, 2009

Sam Hamilton Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar today praised the Senate’s confirmation of Sam D. Hamilton as Director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. “Sam is a veteran manager, innovative...Read more