The Boone and Crockett Club was founded in 1887 by Theodore Roosevelt, George Bird Grinnell and other avid hunters to prevent the further depletion of North America’s wildlife and wilderness. The Club’s earliest actions set in stone many of the laws and conservation efforts currently in place today. Giving birth to our nation’s National Parks, Wildlife Refuges, the return of robust and healthy big game herds across the continent, and every meaningful conservation effort since.
It was the American hunter who first rose to the challenge of conserving our nation’s wildlife and its habitat. And it is the American hunter still who must carry on that legacy. But the call to conserve cannot be answered alone. As the scales of the modern world tip back toward incessant consumption, neglecting that nature’s gifts are finite, our challenges grow. Our purpose, more needed than ever. Because no matter how you score a hunt, our aim is to protect the boundless beauty of North America’s wilderness and its bounty for generations of opening days to come.
If you are a hunter or simply a passionate advocate of the outdoors, do your part by joining the Boone and Crockett Club. You’ll gain a sense of pride that comes with following in the footsteps of our renowned founding fathers and receive access to branded B&C merchandise, a subscription to our quarterly magazine, monthly newsletter, and regular updates regarding important club business.