
Where Hunting Happens, Conservation Happens™

Boone and Crockett Club Announces Hunter's Moon™

A new tool featured in Big Game Records Live analyzes over 50,000 record-book entries and combines the kill dates with the lunar cycle days. The intriguing results could be used to plan your next hunt.

Hunters have always looked for ways to increase our odds of success, which means sometimes we rely on a blend of skill, tradition, innovation, and maybe even superstition. Looking to the moon is no exception.

The moon’s influence on the natural world goes back to the beginning of time. How we interpret that influence is based on our cultural beliefs, both ancient and modern. We equip ourselves with various modern technologies and gear to give us an edge, so why not look to the stars? Using our records database and historic lunar data, we’ve put together what we call Hunter’s Moon™.

What is Hunter’s Moon™?
This experimental tool within Big Game Records Live blends superstition and technology. It allows hunters to examine historical lunar data and the number of kills on those days. This information may be used for future hunt planning. In a nutshell, Hunter's Moon will total the historical number of kills on each lunar cycle day for the species and locations you choose. It will then find the calendar dates of the matching lunar days for your upcoming seasons.

How We Developed Hunter’s Moon™
The Hunter’s Moon™ tool works by correlating hunt-kill data with the moon’s historical lunar cycle days. We began testing by looking for a correlation between the eight lunar cycles and the kill dates of trophies in our database. Much to our surprise, none of the eight lunar cycles showed any advantage over another! Then, we took it one step further by breaking the eight lunar cycles down to the 29.5 lunar days that make up a lunar month. We then mapped the kill dates to their corresponding lunar cycle days. This process revealed some interesting spikes and dips on certain days. Curiously, those spikes vary by animal category and general location (state) of the hunt.

How Hunter’s Moon™ Works
The Hunter’s Moon™ tool consists of two widgets. The first widget displays historical data when you select the animal category and the state you want to hunt. The results are displayed as a heat map, which shows you the “hot” days based on the number of record-book kills on that lunar day. Once you identify the historical “hot” success days, you plug those lunar cycle day numbers into the second widget with the date range you plan to hunt. The results are the future lunar cycle dates that match up with the lunar days discovered in the first widget.

Will this bring you more success? That’s between you and the moon. 

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Widget 1


Widget 2


DISCLAIMER: This tool is provided for experimental and exploratory purposes only. The Boone and Crockett Club makes no guarantees or warranties regarding the accuracy or reliability of the data presented. Users should exercise their own judgment and discretion when planning hunting activities. This tool is intended as a supplementary resource and should not be the sole basis for any decisions. Additionally, users are responsible for ensuring that all their hunting activities are in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The Boone and Crockett Club accepts no liability for any actions taken or decisions made based on the use of this tool. All data is property of Boone and Crockett Club ©2024.

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